ApplyingKhazra Chelated Nano fertilizers resulted in 70% improvement in vegetative growth and 250% yield increase compared to the last year, achieving a new record. Homogeneity in the product and fruit drop reduction were notable points about the apricot and walnut trees of Mr. Naser Aghabeigolu in Tasuj, West Azerbaijan

The reclamation of walnut trees after last year’s frostbite was the miraculous effect of using this new generation of fertilizers.
Mr. Aghabeigolumentioned that there was an increase in blossoming which led to at least three fruits in each leaf. He was satisfied with this product and said trees’ vegetative growth increased by at least 70% which was unprecedented in the area.

It should be noted that the equality in the size of the fruit along with the quality improvement made apricots more marketable with positive effects on the farmer’s profit.