20 Metric Tons Increase in Field Corn by Khazra Chelated Nano Fertilizers

Using Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers increased field corn harvest up to 33% in Malayer city. 

The Malayeri farmer harvested 80 metric tons of field corn in each hectare by applying Khazra fertilizers.

Mr. Alireza Raad said that during 30 years of farming experience, he hadn’t seen such a record despite reducing water consumption. The highest harvest in his farm had been 60 metric tons per hectare.

In the cultivation period, 20 kilograms of Khazra Nano Chelated NPK and 5 kilograms of Khazra Nano Chelated Complete Micro fertilizers were dissolved in irrigation water in each hectare with 577,500 T spent on them.

According to this farmer, each metric ton of field corn was sold about 205,000 T, and the net profit was 3,522,500 T per hectare.

He also used Khazra fertilizers in his grape and walnut gardens; in addition to the yield increase, he observed some other changes in the quality of fruit, such as sweeter and more succulent grapes compared to the past; there was also a reduction in the number of irrigation and walnuts clustering.

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