300% Yield Increase in Sour Cherry Garden

This time Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers brought up yield increase in East Azerbaijan’s gardens.

Tasuj city is one of the main producers of garden products, especially nut trees, and new records of producing these crops were achieved with the help of brand new innovations.

Mr. Mohammad Ali Akbarpour, one of the gardeners of the city, said that by using Khazra fertilizers, he observed 300% yield increase and improvement in the vegetative growth of the sour cherry trees in comparison to last year. He mentioned that the branches needed to be held up because of the heavy yield.

According to this farmer, since Khazra Nano Chelated Zinc, NPK, and Complete Micro fertilizers were applied at the right time in winter and at the beginning of germination, flowering reached its peak, and also as the flowers became resistant to cold, the majority of the flowers turned into fruit.

One of the common problems of the gardens is iron deficiency at the beginning of fruit formation with first symptoms appearing on the leaves. Using Khazra Nano Chelated Complete Micro and NPK 20-20-20 fertilizers through foliar spraying brought the suitable growing conditions back to the garden. Applying Khazra Nano Chelated Potassium and Complete Micro fertilizers led to increase in size, quality, and market-friendliness.

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