Multiple Fold Increase in Growth of Fruit Saplings (East Azerbaijan)

By consuming Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers, the growth of the saplings in Khazra treatment increased by 2-3 times compared to control.

Mr. Abolfazl Akbari Pour is a farmer in Tasuj village. He managed to increase the yield by 200%-300% without chemical fertilizers and just by applying Khazra Nano Chelated NPK, Complete Micro, and Iron fertilizers in 1.5 hectares through both foliar spraying and fertigation.

He applied Khazra Nano Chelated NPK (2 kg), Complete Micro (1 kg), and Iron (1 kg) fertilizers once through fertigation and also used the fertilizers in question twice through foliar spraying. Although the soil suffered high percentage of soil salinity, the vegetative growth, the number of branches, and the leaf area in saplings increased significantly in Khazra farm as compared to control.

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