Clustering in Wheat That Was Meant to Be Livestock Feed!

Tillering was not completed in cultivated wheat as they strongly lacked nutrients, so the leaves turned yellow, yet after using Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers, they became healthy and the leaves turned green, also strong wheat clusters were formed.

Mr. Abbas Akbaryan, a farmer from Tasuj, did not use any types of fertilizers before cultivation and applied urea fertilizer once after planting; the plants became yellow with minimum tillering and had short and weak clusters, so he had planned to leave the farm for grazing. Soon after applying Khazra Nano Chelated NPK fertilizer (2 g/L) and Khazra Nano Chelated Complete Micro fertilizer (1 g/L) through foliar spraying, the bushes turned green and clustering improved to a great extent.According to Mr. Akbarian’s comments, 3 days after spraying, the leaves color and the plants growth improved. Plants grew 3 times larger than before, grain filling improved far better than other wheat products of the region, and the grains became much larger.

Khazra Fertilizers for Cold Cereals

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