Khazra Nano Chelated Potassium Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Potassium Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Potassium fertilizer is manufactured based on advanced Chelated Compounds technology (owned by Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company) and, like all products produced based on this technology, has a metabolism optimizer property. Potassium is normally in the form of sulfate, oxide, chloride or nitrate in these fertilizers. The absorption rate of these fertilizers is low and their frequent application in the previous years has caused soil salinity, environmental pollution, decreased plant resistance to temperature stress and pests and consequently a decrease in yield, quality and health in agricultural products. Because of the applied advanced technology in the structure of Khazra Nano Chelated Potassium fertilizer, it can be absorbed better and more efficiently than the best potassium fertilizers on the market and it does not have the limitations and problems of other sources of this element. This fertilizer is completely soluble in water.


Contains 27% potassium


  • Quality (size, smell, taste, color, durability, nutrients, secondary metabolites, etc.) and yield increase in agricultural products
  • Resistance increase to environmental stress (cold, heat, soil salinity, drought, etc.)
  • Increasing water usage efficiency
  • Balancing light effects
  • Increasing chlorophyll concentration and photosynthesis efficiency
  • Fruit enlargement, especially citrus fruit
  • Preventing nitrate accumulation in vegetables and summer crops
  • Increasing microelements absorption, especially iron, zinc, and manganese
  • Increasing nitrogen fertilizers efficiency


Foliar Spraying: 2 g/L (2kg per 1000L of water)

Soil Application: 5 to 10 kg/ha


  • First stage: after blossom drop
  • Second stage: simultaneous with fruit filling


  • First stage: early growth of plant
  • Second stage: simultaneous with seed filling

Special Recommendation

This fertilizer is used in the form of basic fertilizers.

Mixing condition with other fertilizers and pesticides

Mixing this fertilizer is not permitted in the solution with copper and calcium fertilizers as well as copper pesticides.