Mr. Abdollah Rahimi reported that without using chemical fertilizers and just by applying Khazra Nano Chelated NPK and Iron fertilizers, he succeeded in harvesting 22 metric tons of alfalfa per hectare in four harvests in a row.
He added that before using Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers, just 16 metric tons of alfalfa had been harvested.
This farmer continued that in each harvest four kilograms of Khazra Nano ChelatedNPK and one kilogram of Khazra Nano Chelated Iron fertilizer were dissolved in irrigation water. Mr. Rahimi explained that 526,000 T was spent on the fertilizers, each metric ton of alfalfa was sold about 700,000 T, and the gained profit of 6 metric tons of yieldincrease was 4,200,000 T.