Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers, as a new generation of fertilizers, changed Semnani farmer’s mind about shutting his garden down. As he says, after using Khazra fertilizers, fruit drop did not occur any longer. Mr. Mohammed Shahadat learned about Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company products after the recommendation of a consumer of Khazra fertilizers. He observed his yield had an increase of 30% to 50% compared to last year.
After obtaininggood results from applying this new generation of fertilizers for his prunus and apricot trees, he became eager to use Khazra fertilizers for the other trees too. The pomegranate trees of this diligent farmer suffered fruit drop, which was not only stopped, but also had an increase of 50% in yield in one hectare by the consumption of Khazra fertilizers. Due to dry air and water scarcity, Mr. Shahadat decided to shut his pomegranate garden down, but observed the miracle of Khazra fertilizers; the problem was resolved and even wonderful changes and profit were obtained. He said that in addition to increase in yield and cost effectiveness of the fertilizer, the homogeneity of products, no worm-eaten or sunburn fruits, and better color and larger size were the advantages of this generation of fertilizers.